Aquis Exchange uses QuestDB for real-time monitoring
QuestDB is used by Aquis Exchange to store their infrastructure and business metrics in a single place and analyze them in real-time across multiple dimensions.
Aquis Exchange
Aquis Exchange is a financial exchange that operates pan-European cash equities trading businesses, provides primary and secondary markets for equity and debt products, and develops exchange software for third parties. They Capture every tick, every trade, every latency metric with QuestDB.
Grafana without skipping a beat
Aquis uses the Grafana integration to monitor millions of actions.
"QuestDB is a time series database truly built by developers for developers. It provides a unicorn solution to handle extreme transactions per second while also offering a simplified SQL programming interface."
Aquis Exchange relies on QuestDB
Time-series data requires specialized handling. From deduplication, out-of-order indexing and high-cardinality data handling, QuestDB has it covered. Millions of market events are ingested via the InfluxDB Line Protocol and queried using familiar, extended SQL on the way out.